CMDS2016 CMDS2016


>>> Click here for the Submission module for CMDS 2016 <<<

The submissions are handled by the Groningen Congres Bureau on behalf of the CMDS2016 organizing committee, so the link leads to an external website.
In case of any problems, please e-mail us at

Guidelines for preparing the CMDS2016 submission:
  1. Format: pdf file
  2. One page A4, 2.5 cm margins from all sides, alignment: Justified
  3. Font: Times New Roman, single spaced
  4. Title: 16 pts, no more than 15 words
  5. Authors: 11 pts
  6. Affiliations: 10 pts
  7. Abstract: no more than 50 words; 11 pts, 1 cm extra margins from left and right
    Note: the abstract should be also copy-pasted in a separate field during the submission
  8. Text body: 12 pts
  9. Figures should be embedded into the text; all writings in the figures should be clearly visible
  10. Figure captions: 10 pts
  11. References: 10 pts  

An example of the submission can be downloaded here (Microsoft Word format): Summary_example.doc or here (PDF format) : Summary_example.pdf

All submissions accepted will be made accessible online.
All abstracts of accepted presentations will be reproduced in the extended conference schedule, both printed and online.